You want to save the real height/width to a variable, or to set it
programatically? if you want to retrieve the real attributes you will
need to check, only after the image has loaded (on the event onload):
something like this.

var width, height;
var $img = $('<img'>)
                            width = $(this).width();
                            height= $(this).height();

the var $img part is in case you need the image afterwards, else you
can ommit that. Bear in mind that you won't know when will that
happen, so you can count on the variables to be filled right after
this snippet, you should probably make everything inside the function.

If what you wanted to do is the opposite, then:
var img = new Image();
img.width = 123; //any number you want
img.height = 123; //any number  you want
img.src = "1.jpg";

( oh... I'm no expert :) )

I hope that was more or less your situation.

On Oct 2, 8:24 am, BAlex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is JavaScript:
> var img = new Image();
> img.src = "1.jpg";
> var width = img.width;
> var height = img.height;
> It is necessary for preliminary loading image and, the main thing, for
> preliminary definition width and height.
> How same to represent on jQuery?
> In advance thanks,
> Alexander

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