Thanks for the link, interesting stuff.

After looking through info on Rhino, I was left with the question... why
build the JS core engine in Java and not a non-interpreted language?  Then I
looked at info in Spidermonkey (a C re-write for Firefox 3) and saw they
realized the same thing.  Hopefully as it matures (Firefox 4+) we'll see the
speeds really drop.

So I guess the answer to my question is that currently the bottleneck with
Javascript is how quickly the engine can interpret the code, which right now
appears to be how the engine itself is coded (like all interpreted
languages).  Then you have the browser that has to render the layout, and
that's a whole other issue.

Now I see why Javascript is still in it's infancy and has a bit of a speed
problem.  I also wonder where we'd be if Microsoft hadn't essentially halted
development on IE (and it's js engine) for 3 or so years.  In looking at
speed tests out there, it looks like Opera has far & away the fastest JS

On 10/1/07, Robert Koberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 16:46 -0700, John Beppu wrote:
> >
> >
> Very interesting! I have been using rhino for a week or so. When I
> started looking at the results, it was very disappointing. Then I got to
> the real world examples. Why does rhino shine there and smokes a turd in
> the other tests? Are compiling to classes for the real world tests and
> loading from string for the others?
> best,
> -Rob

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