Invalid nesting of the lists... i.e.

   <li>Sub 1</li>
     <li>Sub 2</li>

Of course, the inner UL should be within the first LI tags...  The tree 
still works with this, but you get little breaks in the lines.  It's not 
valid XHTML though so should be fixed.  But it's not something the tree 
should fix.  (I'm using this as an object lesson to my customer on just 
why standards compliance is a good thing.. :)

Thanks again.  Btw, the site went live with your tree - 
  We used it on the department pages for "side" navigation.  It's the 
only use of jQuery on their site (so far...)


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> sgrover schrieb:
>>  So far it's bug free. (other than user caused bugs).
> What would that be? Good software helps users avoid "bugs"...
> -- Jörn

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