> >   $('#exampleCA').append( [
> >       '<table style="width:718px;border:2px inset #336699">',
> >           '<tr class="exampleRow">',
> >               '<td style="text-align:center;color:white;">',
> >                   'I was created by jQuery append',
> >               '</td>',
> >           '</tr>',
> >       '</table>'
> >   ].join('') ); 

> I do occasionally look at the source code, but I'm still new 
> enough to JavaScript that sometimes (even with 12 years of 
> Java under my belt, and a whole slew of other languages going 
> back some 40 years) that when I'm faced with new js 
> constructs for the first time, about all I can do is stare 
> glassy-eyed and go "Huh?" And that's pretty well my reaction 
> to the snippet you posted below: "Huh?" :-) Would you be up 
> for walking through it verbally, explaining what it's doing?

Sure thing. One way to make it easier to follow code like this is to break
it up into step-by-step instructions instead of the nested code:

    // Create an array of strings.
    var htmlArray = [
        '<table style="width:718px;border:2px inset #336699">',
            '<tr class="exampleRow">',
                '<td style="text-align:center;color:white;">',
                    'I was created by jQuery append',
    // Join the array elements into a single string,
    // by concatenating the original strings.
    var htmlString = htmlArray.join('');
    // Create a jQuery object for the element with id="exampleCA".
    // Use $ as part of the variable name to remind us that
    // it's a jQuery ($) object.
    var $example = $('#exampleCA');
    // Call the append() method of the jQuery object to
    // insert the HTML text into the DOM element.
    $example.append( htmlString );

Does that make it more clear? Give a shout back with any questions...


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