So, my use of jQuery.myObject = { . . . }; seems to be correct in this case.

Thanks for clarifying the extends bit.  Now I think I understand the 
documentation.  And this might come in handy - I know of a couple of 
plugins I might set mine to extend.  I'll wait till the core stuff is 
stabilized though...

I'll have a post here in the next day or so with a link to my plugin...

Thanks again George.


George GSGD wrote:
>>From what I understand, jQuery.fn objects are for functions that add
> capabilites to a jQuery instance:
> jQuery.fn.myFunction = function() { ... }
> Would then allow you to do
> $('.myItem').myFunction();
> There are some things you should ensure when using this approach
> (returning a jquery object for one, so you don't break the chain). The
> wiki pages are quite good as a starting point 
> As far as extend goes, that's for adding additional objects to an
> existing jQuery object. So if you wanted to add some more easing types
> to the default jQuery.easing you could use that .
> jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, { ... });
> The docs are next to useless on that one if you don't understand what
> it does though
> George.
> On Oct 16, 8:51 am, sgrover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm working on a jQuery plugin, which is primarily a series of utility
>> functions.  I need to worry about namespace problems, so I have opted
>> for the option to add an object to the base jQuery object.
>> i.e.
>> jQuery.myObj = { . . .  };
>> What I'm not clear on is if this is the best approach.  Thus far
>> everything is working fine, but that jQuery.fn.myObj approach and the
>> jQuery.fn.extend() method are a little over my head (so far).  Are these
>> better approaches to be using?
>> The methods I'm creating return various values - ints, dates, etc.  So I
>> don't think the jQuery.fn.myObj approach would work here - it would
>> break chaining.
>> So, I'm looking for any guidance you may be able to offer.  I'm the type
>> that will plow through this anyways and make a choice where need be, but
>> a second opinion is ALWAYS appreciated.. Just in case I'm doing things
>> wrong... :)  Thanks in advance.
>> Shawn

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