I'm thinking of this as a drop-in for alert() messages, and we already
have no say where alert() places its dialog.  Impromptu, mentioned
earlier in this thread, does a great job of improving the basic
JavaScript dialogs, already, and I'm thinking of supplementing those
dialogs with these "Humanized Messages" for items where waiting for
user response is not desirable.

I'm thinking that short, "positive" messages ("Comment Posted,"
"Record Updated") would be a great candidate for this--especially if
the start location of the dialog was tied somewhere close to the area
where action occurred (submit button, last text input, etc.).  Errors,
longer messages, and items that are "more important" would continue to
use the alert()-esque dialogs (a la Impromtu).

While the scenarios I describe above do not need the bouncy "Log" tab,
I again think this might be useful in a couple of cases:  An Ajax chat
program, when "minimized," could pop up the "Humanized" message and
bounce the "chat log" in the location where it is being kept.

It has its uses, certainly.  I like it.  Just don't think of it as the
catch-all for alert()s and confirm()s, and I think you'll begin to get
some ideas on where you might use it. :)


On Oct 17, 2:24 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >http://binarybonsai.com/archives/2007/10/15/humanized-messages-for-jq...
> Ugh. Am I the only one who doesn't like this user interface at all?
> I click in the middle of the screen. A message appears up at the top - where
> I'm not looking - AND another bouncy message appears at the BOTTOM of the
> screen, so it tries to draw my eye in two directions at once.
> Then, when I finally notice the message at the top, I follow my natural
> instinct and move the mouse toward it - and it immediately disappears!
> Not user friendly.
> -Mike

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