When I need to include HTML fragments in a XML file I tend to use the
CDATA construct to wrap the HTML markup so it gets treated as plain
text, then inject it into the DOM as yo uwould any string with HTML
markup in it, using either the html (markup) or $(markup) approaches
as appropriate.

On Oct 24, 1:04 pm, Tamlyn Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm returning XML from an ajax call which contains, among other
> things, a snippet of XHTML that I would like to inject into the DOM.
> This works except that the injected dom nodes don't behave as usual.
> They aren't rendered correctly and they appear greyed out in firebug.
> Seehttp://zenology.co.uk/jdemo/for an example.
> What am I doing wrong? I'm guessing it's something to do with mixed
> content-types and the fact that they are actually xml nodes rather
> than html nodes?

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