To nest lists properly, I believe you want to put the <ul> you are
toggling inside the <li> you are clicking, like this

                    <li><a href="javascript:;">Sub Level 1</a>
                    <ul class="SubSubLevelCategory">
                        <li><a href="javascript:;">Bottom Level 1</a></

                        <li><a href="javascript:;">Bottom Level 2</a></
                        <li><a href="javascript:;">Bottom Level 3</a></
                        <li><a href="javascript:;">Bottom Level 4</a></

Then instead of next() use children("ul")

Hope that works for you, I tried it out and it worked.

-Matt W

On Nov 12, 4:10 am, Andrew Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I have a series of nested drop down lists being used for the
> navigation on a website. I have added a click() event to certain
> elements to toggle the visibility of some nested elements.
> This works in Firefox and Opera perfectly but the wrong elements are
> being toggled in IE6.
> I think the problem lies within my use of $(this) or $(this).next()
> Can anyone let me know if there is a known bug in this area, and if
> possible suggest a fix/workaround.
> An example of this issue is at
> as it will make it clearly obvious what my problem is. Try this in
> Firefox first and then in IE and it will be obvious.
> Thanks

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