On Nov 13, 8:48 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good stuff, Matt.  Thanks for sharing it.  I think adding an option is
> a good idea.

Another things I noticed - when blocking an element, it appends the
blocking layer to the element itself.

So, when I call block() before load() and the response comes back, the
innerHTML is over-written and the blocking layer is removed.
Unfortunately, this happens before the complete function for my load()
call is fired, so if I'm putting any logic in there or wanting to do
other things before I un-block, I'm out of luck.

Perhaps the blocking layer could be appended as a sibling to the
object being blocked? I was going to go in and make the changes, but I
decided that for my immediate use it wasn't that big of a deal.

Also, the 'install' method is very long and complex. It would be much
nicer if it were broken down into sub-functions that perform specific
parts of the logic. That way if I need to change some functionality I
could just override a single function rather than duplicating the
entire install method and opening myself up to problems with later
releases. It would be a good practice for all plugins to break their
logic into small pieces for this reason, IMO. With browser scripting,
you can never be certain that you have considered everything a user
may want to do. Making it easier to override specific pieces of logic
is a good thing.


Matt Kruse

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