I'm trying to "manually" interact with the multifile plugin and, as
part of that endeavor, I need to systemically access the anchor tag
that provides "Delete" functionality.  The following works great in FF
(of course):


The objects are returned as expected and alert ( $
('a[href^="#multimulti_"]').length ) returns the expected number of
elements.  In IE7, though, the former value is undefined and the
latter is 0.  Anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

A high level end-to-end process looks like this:

1.  User selects a file to upload
2.  File is uploaded via the ajax file upload plugin and validated
3.  If an error is thrown (dimensions incorrect, file size too large,
etc.), the error is displayed and the delete link is triggered so that
the file is removed from the display.

Any insight would be much appreciated.  I don't see any indication in
the jQuery docs that this type of selector shouldn't work in IE...



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