For the CMS I am currently working on I have decided to go with WYM as
the inline HTML editor.  TinyMCE seems to do weird things that
preclude using FireBug to debug scripts.

>From what I've been able to figure out from the documentation it is
possible to have external events trigger editor events such as
selecting the paragraph type, CSS style etc, so I've decided to use
that approach as it seems easier than trying to significantly edit the
editor itself to look how I need it to.  I'm still figuring out the
interface to the editor, but at the moment my main concern is an issue
of presentation.

Currently what I have is the editor sitting inside a div with explicit
width and heights set.  What I need is for the WYSIWYG portion of the
editor to completely fill this div, and for the rest of the stuff in
default editor frame to not be there (the toolbar, side panels, etc).
Is this difficult to achieve?  How do I go about doing it?

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