I am not sure if one currently does all that, you can probably mod out the
jqModal to have a scroll bar on the bottom and then style the scroll for
will, I can't think of the name, but the scroll bar plugin.  But if you want
it to pan automatically, probably put just animate it margin:0 to margin:
"what ever the math is to get the other end in site"  and once that is done,
fade out and fade in new image.

Sorry if this is not any REAL help, I know how it is when going into a
meeting and needing to come up with something on the fly.

Good luck.

On 12/6/07, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What jQuery plug-in(s) can provide a full-screen or
> almost full-window of a large, panorama image that is
> larger than the view port?
> I've searched around but don't have time to figure out
> the answer before my client meeting.
> It's for "virtual tours" of homes of panoramic photos.
> Dimensions could figure out how large to make the display.
> What could make the left to right smooth image scroll
> and fade to the next image?
> Thanks!
> Rick

Benjamin Sterling

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