Thanks for the link Rey. This is a process I'm going through at the
moment to encourage our studio to be looking forwards in using jQuery
as the foundation of our future javascript enhanced builds.

Although I keep coming up against the following:

1. Is jQuery going to be here for the long term?
2. Why not use prototype, what are the benefits of jQuery over it?

I've tried to answer these the best I can to my team, but if anyone
else fancies helping me convince them post up some more reasons on why
jQuery is the right framework to use.

I tried telling them it makes javascript fun again, but they look at
me with a confused look on their faces :D

Rey Bango wrote:
> jQuery UI team member Marc Grabanski has an excellent writeup on how to
> build acceptance for jQuery in Corporate America:
> The 2 biggest points he mentions are the cross-browser rendering and the
> list of notable companies/sites using jQuery.
> Excellent post Marc.
> Rey

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