I am having trouble reproducing the error.  I see a different weird
Hover on the links or not doesnt seem to change this.

If I mouse over the column and mouseout before it finishes animating, then
it never closes.

Could you elaborate a little on the problem you are seeing?
I am in FF


On Dec 6, 2007 5:03 AM, Trond Ulseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have several div's which are animated on mouseover:
> $('.pan').mouseover(function() {
>        $(this).animate( { marginLeft:"-182px" }, 1000);
> });
> I then have another div laying behind the animated ones that on a
> mouseover reverts the animation:
> $('##pancontainer').mouseover(function() {
>        $('#pan1').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
>        $('#pan2').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
>        $('#pan3').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
>        $('#pan4').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
>        $('#pan5').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
>        $('#pan6').animate( { marginLeft:"0px" }, 200);
> });
> So far so good - it works like a charm.
> Then inside the animated divs I put several links. Now if I hover over
> one or more of the links inside the div before taking the mouse of -
> the function which reverts the animation is several seconds delayed.
> If i just mouseover the div without hovering the link it works like it
> should.
> This is driving me mad, as I can't understand why it behaves like
> this. I don't have any other jquery or js scripts other than the ones
> above.
> You can have a look yourselves at http://intern.idl.no:65241
> If anyone could help me solve this I'd appreciate it very much.

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