
I've made a custom method with addMethod to check a captcha.

Basically, the captcha image is made in php and its value is sent to a
session variable. So I make an AJAX post request to a php page which
checks the input's value against that session variable.

verify: function(value, element) {
                        $.post("scripts/verification-check.php", {inputString: 
                                //data will be equal to true or false if the 
input's value is
equal to the session variable
                                return data;

My problem is that the error shows up before the AJAX request is
finished...I think. 'Cause the way I have it now, no matter what, the
error label always shows up - even if 'data' is true.

So, is there a way to 'delay' the event that inserts the error label
until the AJAX call is finished?

Thanks :)

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