I'm using

http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/a-plugin-development-pattern to
develop my own plugin and I am stuck whilst trying to pass information
into the generated 'object'.

Something along the lines of setting the date on a calendar from
outside... such as you can do with the UI datepicker.

Is there a simple example of how to do this somewhere?

I've abstracted the code below as much as I can, the short story is
that plugin builds a list of items you can pick from and populates the
input with text when the item is selected.

Some code...

(function($) {

        $.fn.dc_thingy = function(options) {

                this.each(function() {

                        var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.dc_thingy.defaults, 
                        var $input = $(this);
                        var selected = null;
                        var timeout = null;

                        // this is how I want the function to work !!!
                        function setfromOutside(s){
                                selected = s;

                        function setContent(text) {
                                if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
                                $input.trigger('dc_select', [ text ] );

                        function buildThingy(date) {
                                // make the contents

                        // no autocomplete

                        // create a container div for the popup
                        var $box = $("<div></div>"));
                        // add it to the end of the body add a class, give it 
position and then hide it
                        .css("position", "absolute")


                        // Add a class to the relevent input box

                        // set the position of the box using the dimensions 
plugin and show
it if the input gets focus
                        $(this).focus( function() {
                                var pos = $(this).offset();
                                .css("top", pos.top + $(this).outerHeight() )

                        // on mousedown reset position and reshow the box
                        $(this).mousedown( function() {
                                var pos = $(this).offset();
                                .css("top", pos.top + $(this).outerHeight() )

                        // hide the box when the input loses focus
                        $(this).blur( function() {
                                if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
                                timeout = setTimeout( function(){ $box.hide(); 
}, 300);

                        $(this).keypress( function(e) {
                                switch (e.keyCode) {
                                        case 13: // ENTER
                                                if ($box.css("display") != 
"none") {
                                                        // select item
                                                        return false;
                                        case 27: // ESC


        $.fn.dc_cal.defaults = {
                popupClass : 'dc',
                inputClass : 'dc_has',


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