Two quick questions:
what version of php are you running?  I believe that zend only supports
php5, but I could be wrong on that.

In firebug, what is being returned in the "response" tab?

On 12/12/07, jforth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to test something here and having issues getting it to
> work.
> here's my jquery script : // I should get an alert object if it works?
> but in firebug all I get is invalid label.
> var url = "
> micro-server/index.php/client_api/test?callback=?";
> $.getJSON(url,
>         function(data){
>                         alert(data);
>         });
> heres the json that I'm  getting using zend_json:
> {"job_Description":"My Job","job_Notes":"My jobs notes are here."}
> and here's the php in case it helps
>         $json = new Zend_Json();
>         $job_data = array(
>             'job_Description' => 'My Job' ,
>             'job_Notes' => 'My jobs notes are here.');
>         echo $json->encode($job_data);

Benjamin Sterling

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