I actually like the UX of this plugin:
It has a date input.  It works well to supplement Jorns plugin.


On Dec 19, 2007 10:28 AM, sothis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Awhile ago, I clumsily implemented Jorn's fantastic validation plugin to
> validate a birthday field. The implementation wasn't hard, but getting the
> page in general to work how I want is tricky. I'm wondering if anyone has
> an
> idea in how I might accomplish these goals:
> 1. Validate based on DROPDOWNS, not a text input (I tried text input and
> put
> clear "MM-DD-YYYY" tags, but people keep doing DD-MM which passes
> validation
> but often completely mangles the date due to things like 20-01-1981). So
> for
> example, dropdown one would be Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.
> This would be easy for me to build the date using PHP, but am not sure how
> I'd do it before passing it immediately to the validator.
> 2. Allow partial dates. Again, this would be something I could do in PHP
> (just using a default 01-01-YYYY if they only input a year, for example),
> but am not sure how I'd do this prior to getting it to the validator. I'd
> probably only want to deal with partial date meaning only a year (or a
> year
> and a month), not just a day and a month.
> Also, how robust is the birthdate validator? Meaning, is it just checking
> if
> it's a valid date,  or does it check for things like "does this day
> actually
> exist in this month (31st, for example)", or "was there actually this date
> in this year (ex: leap year)
> Thanks, I know this question is kind of vague and general. :)
> -Kim
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Need-help-with-birthdate-validation-tp14422600s27240p14422600.html
> Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com
> .

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