> I would ask for borders too, if possible, and, if I may, it would be
> great for anti-alias too as made in CurvyCorners.
> That would made it excellent.

Borders are possible, just not super thin borders.  See the demo pages
referred to in the source file.  Anti-aliasing will not be added to
this plugin.  There are other plugins that provide that capability.  I
believe there is even a port of CC to jQuery.

> That said, is it possible to use the wrapping div without previous
> knowing its size and so image size?
> I.E. Can I apply an in-line style to size  image wrapping div on the
> fly according to the sizes of the image it contains since I can't
> know  them in advance?

I haven't tried that but I think it will work.

> But what that is better?
> 1 - www.meerbox.nl
> 2 - http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/corner/jquery.corner.js
> 3 - http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/

#2 & #3 are the same thing.  #1 is a cool way to do corners using
canvas.  It has excellent support for borders but requires the
additional excanvas script for IE.


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