You'll need to do something along the lines of:

$('a.collapse_device').click(function() {
  $(this). // this gets the a.collapse_device itself
    parent(). // this gets the span
    parent(). // this gets the li
    parent(). // this gets the ul
    parent(). // this gets the div.device_header
    next('div.device_content'). // *this* gets the div you're after
    hide(); // this hides it

It's not that the a only knows about other a's as siblings ... it's
that siblings have to be at the same level in the HTML hierarchy,
which in this case they aren't. Your div.device_content is a sibling
of div.device_header; likewise, your ul is a sibling of your h2. Your
a doesn't in fact have any siblings.


On Dec 24, 1:56 pm, jody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
> I'm new to the list and new to jQuery, so I hope you can bear with me.
> I'm having a problem getting a specific div to hide without hiding
> similarly classed divs. The HTML looks something like this:
> <div class="device_header">
> <h2>Device Name</h2>
> <ul>
> <li><span class="collapse_device_span"><a class="collapse_device">-</
> a></span> </li>
> </ul>
> </div>
>  <div class="device_content">
> ---Device Information---
> </div>
> The jQuery I'd like to use looks like this:
> $('.collapse_device').click(function(){
> $(this).next('.device_content').hide() });
> If I write it as:
> $('.collapse_device').click(function(){
> $('.device_content').hide() });
> That works, but closes all the ".device_content" classes on the page
> and there could be, depending on the view, anywhere from 1-20 or
> more .device_content classes on the page.
> So, what am I doing wrong with (this).next and/or is there a better
> way to do what I'm trying to do? I've read around in the forums here
> and tried different methods but none seem to get at this exact
> problem. I've deduced that it may be to do with next requiring
> siblings--but I can't find clear documentation on just how strictly
> jQuery interprets the word "sibling"--if strictly, e.g. anchors are
> only siblings of anchors, then I can see the problem in that an anchor
> can't recognize the .device_content div as its sibling. But then I
> wonder if I'm thinking too hard about it?
> Thanks in advance,
> jody

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