
I have just setup a basic site where you click the link and jQuery
retrieves the link via ajax. Code as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
function fetchURL(obj){

    var page_address = obj.href;

       url: page_address,
       type: "GET",
       dataType: "html",
       error: function(e){
             alert("An Error has occured" + e);
       success: function(data){

return false;
<a href="about.php" onclick="fetchURL(this); return false;">About</a>

This script works fine with Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Beta 2. However,
as soon as you use Internet Explorer it all goes wrong and you get a
blank screen.

Does anyone know why this may be?

I am using the latest version of Jquery
Internet Explorer version 7 (Latest Available)



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