Hi ..

I built a multiple form uploader that uploads multiple files. I have
it working exceptionally except that when i changed the url of the
POST to or Action field to provide access to the cookies that come
with the form post  - it will no longer display the response.

For example .. Posting to domain.com contains some cookies but not the
same ones as www.domain.com

so when i change the url to pick up the cookies i need .. going to
www.domain.com instead of domain.com ..  -- it stops working .

{here is some of the code. that might be useful }

var options = { target:target_obj,
 } ;
 this.Forms[uplCounter].ajaxSubmit(options); }

the url was changed from domain.com to www.domain.com  -- I have
determined that the program on the server side responds normally ..
but the data return is not written to the target.. or

Any thoughts? anyone?


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