I hate that about IE.  :(

Some of these might be helpful.


On Jan 17, 2008 8:21 AM, Eric Lanehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to dynamically configure the options in a <select> element
> based upon selections in a series of radio buttons. My first
> inclination was to apply a class to all of the <option>'s matching the
> value of the checkbox <input>, and to then apply the
> disabled="disabled" attribute too all of the matching <option>
> elements. If only it were that easy.. IE doesn't support that
> attribute, and all the workarounds are a bit silly (using CSS to color
> an option, and doing various things to prevent the option from being
> selected). I could of course load in options via ajax, or have a
> series of <select> elements that I toggle on and off, but I'm trying
> to allow this to gracefully degrade (planning on doing some serverside
> validation to check if the combo selected is valid).
> So my next option, as I see it, is to replace the <option> elements
> with the relevant classes with a bogus invalid element, like
> <disabled>. But once another <input> is selected I need to reset the
> menu and restore the <disabled> options before I can toggle the newly
> irrelevant options. It's also important that I not move the options
> around when I turn them back into <option> elements. replaceAll/With
> does this of course, but it wipes out my attributes in the process. Is
> there a way to do this without that happening, outside of storing the
> attributes as variables before removing and replacing these elements,
> and then setting the attributes back one by one?
> I'm more of a designer than a developer, so I may be missing something
> here. I've thought about arrays, but I haven't really got into that
> yet. If that's the road I need to be going down just validate that for
> me and I'll do my best to figure it out =) I'm thinking the caveat
> there would be I wouldn't be able to place my elements back in their
> original order if I moved the elements into an array and them dumped
> them back in the <select>.
> Thanks for any help!

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