Hi all,
I'm developing a back end for a photographer's agent, and she wants
the site to be mainly drag 'n' drop thumbnail images, so she can
create "collections" of various images, by dragging from various bins.

So I've started with a styled <ul> list of images, and each <li>
contains an <img>.
Each <img> aligns to the middle of it's <li> so the whole thing looks
like a grid of slides.

I'm using the Interface plugin and it's all working great; I can grab
the <li>s and it's easy to re-arrange them.

However - with the Mac, when you go to click on the <li> the browser
intercepts the click on the <img> and thinks you want to drag the
image to your desktop! Any functionality gained through Interface is

Does anyone have any solutions? I'm going to look at placing some kind
of <div> over the top, but I wanted to ask here first.


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