Hi All,

- Ultimately I'd like a table that can be generated client-side, is
sortable, can be updated, and paged through. I have already got the
generation, updating and sorting working.
- I use TableSorter to do the sorting, and I'd like to use its addon
plugin Pager. <http://tablesorter.com/docs/>

I'm using the latest version of TableSorter <http://dev.jquery.com/
but the Pager addon plugin that comes with this has not been updated
yet. Does anyone know if this will be updated too?

The issue seems to be that 'table.config' is no longer accessible in
jquery.tablesorter.pager.js - presumably this was set in the current
version of jquery.tablesorter.js, but not in the new version.

The reason I'm using the latest version, and not the released version
is that I have a table that looks like this:
<table id="dlHistory">
<tr id="row_1231">
  <td sortBy="my episode name">
    <div id="mediaSeries_1231">My Series: Season 2</div>
    <div id="mediaEpisode_1231">Episode 6: my episode name</div>
    <div>some other stuff</div>
  <td><span id="mediaSize_1231">366 MB</span></td>
  <td><span id="mediaPurchase_1231">03/03/08</span></td>
  <td sortBy="Processing">
    <div id="mediaStatus_1231">downloading...</div>
    <div>some other stuff</div>
... and repeat ...

I want to sort by Episode and Status, so I've added a 'sortBy'
attribute to the 1st and 4th TD tags, containing the text to sort by:
  textExtractionType: ['sortBy'],
  disableHeader: [1,2]
- note the new way of calling tableSorter (rather than tablesorter),
which has changed between release & latest versions.

So far, so good, and it all works quite cheerfully. To make it even
more complicated, this table is actually constructed by a client-side
XML/XSLT transformation, and the result is pushed into a div wrapper.
Finally each row is constantly updated at various stages, either by
being amended, deleted, or adding new rows.
$('#dlHistory tbody').prepend(newRow); // add
$('#row_'+LibId).remove(); // delete
$('#row_'+LibId).replaceWith(updateRow); // replace

So, to go back to my original question, is Christian Bach still
working on this (great) plugin? It's working a treat so far, and I'd
really like to get the paging working too.

If I go back to the current (release) version of tablesorter, I'm not
convinced I could get my custom sorting working correctly. Would I be
correct in thinking that I should be looking at tablesorter.addParser
to look at the Title column and try to extract the "my episode name"
text? And then do roughly the same thing on the Status column?

So any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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