FWIW, I tested that page in IE7, and here's what happened.

        1. Page loaded.
        2. I pressed tab, and the address bar was selected (d'oh)
        3. So I clicked on the page.
        4. Pressed tab, first text element selected, key-up event fired,
keycode: 9 :: target type: text / target name: text
        5. Pressed tab, second textara element selected, key-up event fired,
                keycode: 9 :: target type: textarea / target name: textarea
        6. Pressed tab, dropdown list selected, key-up event fired,
                keycode: 9 :: target type: select-one / target name: select
        7. Pressed tab, button selected, key-up event fired,
                keycode: 9 :: target type: button / target name: button
        8. Pressed tab, submit button selected, key-up event fired,
                keycode: 9 :: target type: submit / target name: submit
        9. Pressed tab, addressed bar selected again.

Note that I followed that exact same cycle in FF with identical

This is the desired behavior, no?


-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Eric Martin
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 1:41 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Keyup differences among browsers

While investigating the various key events, I've run into some
interesting findings. I wanted to post them here to have others
confirm/deny my findings.

First off, I was working with the TAB key (keyCode: 9) and found out
quickly that IE does not fire the keypress event for the TAB key. PPK
has a good <a href='http://www.quirksmode.org/js/keys.html'>resource
page</a> about detecting keystrokes.

Once I switched to using keyup, all of the browsers I was testing with
fired on TAB, but with differing results:
<a href='http://www.ericmmartin.com/code/jquery/keyup.html'>http://

The results:
- Firefox 2 & 3: results mostly as expected. after 1 cycle, the tab
back into the content selects the body and returns an undefined
target, but still triggers a keyup event

- IE7 & 6: results not as expected. initial tab to the first element,
in this case the "text" input, does not trigger a keyup event

- Safari 2: results as expected

- Opera 9: results mostly as expected. unlike all other browsers,
tabbing does not cycle through the browser controls, only through the
elements on the page

I thought it was interesting how each of the browsers handled tabbing
differently. The lack of a keyup event in IE is frustrating...anyone
know of a workaround?

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