Just add the .click to the .clone() chain.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Matt Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm wondering if it's possible to use jQuery to manipulate content
> that has been generated by jQuery after the page has loaded.
> Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: The user clicks a span in a long
> block of text, and that span is cloned, wrapped in list tags, and
> appended to a ul at the end of the document:
> //Add span to confirmation div at end of document
> $('span.data').click(function(){
>  var confirmList = $('div#confirmSelections ul');
>  $
> (this).clone().appendTo(confirmList).removeClass("highlight").wrap("<li></
> li>");
> })
> So far, so good. However, I'd like the user to also be able to click
> one of the cloned spans at the end and have that remove it from the
> list, which I figured ought to look something like this:
> //Hide span when clicked
> $('div#confirmSelections ul li span.data').click(function(){
>  $(this).hide();
> });
> //FAIL
> I've had no trouble manipulating the elements that are there at $
> (document).ready (e.g. the ul and the div containing it), but I can't
> do anything with the lis or spans that are generated by jQuery. What
> am I missing?
> Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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