Hi Jörn Zaefferer,

I try to use your plugin in this way, take a look:

And I try any way to validate inputs on cascate.

open this url http://blog.alexsandro.com.br/aa.htm click in submit.

Look!, the ballon start on first input, but if you enter a valid e-
mail on input, the ideal is the ballon jumps on the last textarea
input automatic.
Did you know?

Did have idea to fix it to handle in this way behavior?


On 12 maio, 08:31, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A new release of the validation plugin
> (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) is
> done, now at version 1.3. This release adds five more localizations
> and fixes a few bugs, eg. "asdf" is not a valid creditcard number
> anymore.
> Major improvements went into validating a form without triggering UI
> feedback (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2215) and batch adding and
> removing of rules.
> The complete list of changes:
> <ul>
> <li>Fixed invalid-form event, now only triggered when form is invalid</li>
> <li>Added spanish (es), russian (ru), portuguese brazilian (ptbr),
> turkish (tr), and polish (pl) localization</li>
> <li>Added removeAttrs plugin to facilate adding and removing multiple
> attributes</li>
> <li>Added groups option to display a single message for multiple
> elements, via groups: { arbitraryGroupName: "fieldName1 fieldName2[,
> fieldNameN" }</li>
> <li>Enhanced rules() for adding and removing (static) rules:
> rules("add", "method1[, methodN]"/{method1:param[, method_n:param]})
> and rules("remove"[, "method1[, method_n]") </li>
> <li>Enhanced rules-option, accepts space-seperated string-list of
> methods, eg. {birthdate: "required date"}  </li>
> <li>Fixed checkbox group validation with inline rules: As long as the
> rules are specified on the first element, the group is now properly
> validated on click</li>
> <li>Fixed #2473, ignoring all rules with an explicit parameter of
> boolean-false, eg. required:false is the same as not specifying
> required at all (it was handled as required:true so far)</li>
> <li>Fixed #2424, with a modified patch from #2473: Methods returning a
> dependency-mismatch don't stop other rules from being evaluated
> anymore; still, success isn't applied for optional fields</li>
> <li>Fixed url and email validation to not use trimmed values</li>
> <li>Fixed creditcard validation to accept only digits and dashes
> ("asdf" is not a valid creditcard number)</li>
> <li>Allow both button and input elements for cancel buttons (via
> class="cancel")</li>
> <li>Fixed #2215: Fixed message display to call unhighlight as part of
> showing and hiding messages, no more visual side-effects while
> checking an element and extracted validator.checkForm to validate a
> form without UI sideeffects</li>
> <li>Rewrote custom selectors (:blank, :filled, :unchecked) with
> functions for compability with AIR</li>
> </ul>
> As always, feedback is welcome!
> Jörn

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