xwisdom wrote:
> Hello Paulo ,
> Can you say why you use the row data formate [id:value, cell:
> [col1,col2,col3]] instead of [{name:value},{name:value},{name:value}]?
> Does anyone one have a way to get Felxigrid to with this format:
> [{name:value},{name:value},{name:value}] ?

On line 410 in flexigrid.js ( not flexigrid.pack.js),
change these lines  :

var idx = $(this).attr('axis').substr(3);
td.align = this.align;
td.innerHTML = row.cell[idx];

to :

var idx = $(this).attr('abbr');
td.align = this.align;
td.innerHTML = row.cell[idx];

Hope this will help you !

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