I have a list of dynamically generated image hyperlinks that are
displayed on a page as follows:

<div class="imgBg">
        <img id="imgProd" src=""  alt=""/>
<div id="imgEnum">
                <li><span class="sqr1"
                <li><span class="sqr1" 

Problem: This scheme works fine when hovering over the image indexes.
On loading, I would like the first image of the list to be copied to
imgProd via jquery.  How do I extract the mouseover function signature
of the first item ie. "updImage('Images/aaa.01.jpg');" ?

I tried filtering out the li list and narrow it to the first item via
the below code. varImgUR produces the correct signature:

jQry signature extract code:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        // Extract span cnt from first list element
        var sp0 =$("#imgEnum > ul > li span").get(0);
        // Get mouseover fct signature and execute it.
        var sigimgURL =sp0.attributes[0].nodeValue;

Function eval()yields the error: "sigimgUrl is not defined"

How can I make this run or alternatively is there a more elegant
jQuery approcach to

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