Hi jbhat,

Can you post a URL? It's nearly impossible to debug or provide any feedback
from reading the code below.


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 2:51 PM, jbhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having trouble with AJAX:
> In document ready i have:
> $.post("test.php", function(data){alert('Success');});
> and test'php is just <?php ?>...the alert never comes up
> This is just a test... In addition to the callback not working, when
> the php file updates a mySQL database, those updates are never made.
> Why could this be?  I'll put all my js code below:
>    id=0;
>        p1uid = 0;
>        p2uid = null;
>        multiplayer = false;
>        diff=3;
>        p1=true;
>        lock = false;
>        intID = 0;
>    cash = 500;
>    hisCash = 500.5;
>    turn=0;
>        bid=0;
>        hisBid=0;
>        localturn=0;
>        $(function() {
>                if(multiplayer){
>                        $('input.mult').hide();
>                        $('select.mult').hide();
>                }id = $('form').attr('id');
>                $.post("test.php", function(data){alert('Success');});
>                //intID = setInterval("cycle()", 5000);
>        });
>        function cycle(){
>                if(!lock){
>                        localturn = turn;
>                        updateLocals();
>                        if(turn != localturn) play();
>                        if(turn > 4) clearInterval(intID);
>                }
>        }
>        function play(){
>                if(turn == 0 || turn == 2){
>                        $('input.msg').val("Enter a Bid");
>                }else if(turn == 3){
>                        $('input.msg').val("He bid " + stringify(hisBid) +
> ".  Make a
> move!");
>                }else if(turn == 1){
>                        $('input.msg').val("Waiting for opponent to bid.");
>                }else if (turn == 4){
>                        $('input.msg').val("He bid " + stringify(hisBid) +
> ".  His turn");
>                        if(!multiplayer) compMove();
>                }else{
>                        $('input.msg').val("Game Over!");
>                }$('input.cash').val(stringify(cash));
>                $('input.hisCash').val(stringify(hisCash));
>        }
>        function updateLocals(){
>                lock = true;
>                $.post("update.php", {id: id, player: p1}, function(data){
>                        cash = data["cash"];
>                        hisCash = data["hisCash"];
>                        turn = data["turn"];
>                        bid = data["bid"];
>                        hisBid = data["hisBid"];
>                        for(i=0; i<9; i++){
>                                position = "b"+i;
>                                $(position).val(data[position]);
>                        }
>                }, "json");
>                lock = false;
>        }
>    function clear_with(form) {
>                lock = true;
>                cash = 500.5;
>                hisCash = 500;
>                turn = 0;
>                for (i=0;i<9; ++i) {
>                position="b"+i;
>                form[position].value=' ';
>                }
>                form.cash.value = "500*";
>                form.hisCash.value = "500";
>                form.output.value = "Enter a bid to begin";
>                form.bid.value = "";
>            $.post("reset.php", {id: form.id, token: true}, function(data)
> {form.id = data;});
>                lock = false;
>        }
>    // change board when button is clicked
>    function clear_all(form) {
>                lock = true;
>                hisCash = 500.5;
>                cash = 500;
>                turn = 0;
>                for (i=0;i<9; ++i) {
>                        position="b"+i;
>                        form[position].value=' ';
>                }
>                form.cash.value = "500";
>                form.hisCash.value = "500*";
>        form.output.value = "Enter a bid to begin";
>                form.bid.value = "";
>                $.post("reset.php", {id: form.id, token: false},
> function(data)
> {form.id = data;});
>                lock = false;
>        }
>    function stringify(num){
>                if(num % 1 == 0) {return num;}
>                else{return (Math.floor(num) + "*");}
>    }
>        function pickBid(form){
>                lock = true;
>                placeBid(form, form.chip.value == ' ' &&
> form.cash.value.indexOf('
> ') != -1);
>                lock = false;
>        }
>        function setBothBids(form, tok){
>                hisBid = (Math.random()/2 + 1/4)*hisCash;
>                if(tok) {hisBid = Math.round(hisBid);}
>                else{hisBid = Math.round(hisBid*2)/2;}
>                $.get("setBothBids.php", {id: form.id, player2: hisBid,
> player1:
> bid}, function(data){
>                        alert(data.turn);
>                        turn=data.turn;
>                        cash=data.cash;
>                        hisCash=data.hisCash;
>                }, "json");
>        }
>        function setBid(form){
>                $.post("setBid.php", {id: form.id, b: bid, player1: p1},
> function(data){
>                        turn = data.turn;
>                        if(turn != 1){
>                                hisBid = data.hisBid;
>                                cash=data.cash;
>                                hisCash=data.hisCash;
>                        }
>                }, "json");
>        }
>    function placeBid(form, tok){
>                if(turn != 0 && turn != 2){alert("It is not time to bid!" +
> turn);
> return;}
>                if(isNaN(form.bid.value)) {alert("Enter a number"); return;}
>                bid = parseInt(form.bid.value);
>                if(tok) bid += .5;
>                if(bid > cash || bid < 0) {alert("Bid out of range!");
> return;}
>                if(!multiplayer){
>                        setBothBids(form, tok);
>                }else{
>                        setBid(form);
>                }play();
>        }
>    // change board when button is clicked
>    function clickit(field) {
>                lock = true;
>      if (turn > 4) {alert("Reset to play again"); return;}
>      if (field.value != ' ')
>         {alert("Can't go there"); return;}
>      if(turn < 3) {alert("Still in bidding stage"); return;}
>      field.value= "X";
>      if (eval_pos(field.form)) {
>        field.form.output.value="You Win!";
>        turn = 5;
>                //$.post("click.php", {id: field.form.id, pos: field.name,
> player1:
> p1, bid: bid, hisBid: hisBid, turn: 'win'});
>        return;
>      }
>          //$.post("click.php", {id: field.form.id, pos: field.name,
> player1:
> p1, bid: bid, hisBid: hisBid,  turn: 'bid'});
>      field.form.bid.value = "";
>      turn = 0;
>          lock = false;
>          play();
>    }
>    function compMove(form){
>                lock = true;
>      position = get_move(form);
>      if (position=="") {
>        form.output.value="No Winner.";
>        turn = 7;
>                //$.post("draw.php", {id: form.id});
>        return;
>      }
>      form[position].value="O";
>      if (eval_pos(form)) {
>        form.output.value="You Lose!";
>        turn = 6;
>                //$.post("click.php", {id: form.id, pos: position, player1:
> !p1,
> bid: hisBid, hisBid: bid, turn: 'win'});
>                return;
>      }
>          //$.post("click.php", {id: form.id, pos: position, player1: !p1,
> bid: hisBid, hisBid: bid, turn: 'bid'});
>          turn = 0;
>          lock = false;
>          play();
>    }
>    // see if there is a winner
>    function eval_pos(form) {
>      if ((form.b0.value!=' ' && form.b0.value==form.b3.value &&
>          form.b0.value==form.b6.value)||
>          (form.b0.value!=' ' && form.b0.value==form.b1.value &&
>          form.b0.value==form.b2.value) ||
>          (form.b0.value!=' ' && form.b0.value==form.b4.value &&
>          form.b0.value==form.b8.value) ||
>          (form.b1.value!=' ' && form.b1.value==form.b4.value &&
>          form.b1.value==form.b7.value) ||
>          (form.b2.value!=' ' && form.b2.value==form.b5.value &&
>          form.b2.value==form.b8.value) ||
>          (form.b2.value!=' ' && form.b2.value==form.b4.value &&
>          form.b2.value==form.b6.value) ||
>          (form.b3.value!=' ' && form.b3.value==form.b4.value &&
>          form.b3.value==form.b5.value) ||
>          (form.b6.value!=' ' && form.b6.value==form.b7.value &&
>          form.b6.value==form.b8.value))
>          return true;
>      else
>          return false;
>    }
>    // get position for move.
>    function comp_move(form,player,weight,depth) {
>      var cost;
>      var bestcost=-2;
>      var position;
>      var newplayer;
>      if (player=="X") newplayer="O"; else newplayer="X";
>      if (depth==diff) return 0;
>      if (eval_pos(form)) return 1;
>      for (var i=0; i<9; ++i) {
>        position='b'+i;
>        if (form[position].value != ' ')
>          continue;
>        form[position].value=player;
>        cost = comp_move(form,newplayer, -weight, depth+1);
>        if (cost > bestcost) {
>          bestcost=cost;
>          if (cost==1) i=9;
>        }
>        form[position].value=' ';
>      }
>      if (bestcost==-2) bestcost=0;
>      return(-bestcost);
>    }
>    // get position for move.
>    function get_move(form) {
>                var cost;
>                var bestcost=-2;
>                bestmove="";
>                // don't think about first move.
>                if (form.b4.value==' ') return "b4";
>        for (var i=0; i<9; ++i) {
>          localposition='b'+i;
>          if (form[localposition].value != ' ')
>          continue;
>        form[localposition].value="O";
>        cost=comp_move(form,"X", -1, 0);
>        if (cost > bestcost) {
>          if (cost==1) i=9;
>          bestmove=localposition;
>          bestcost=cost;
>        }
>        form[localposition].value=' ';
>      }
>      return bestmove;
>    }
>        function onEnter( evt, frm ) {
>                var keyCode = null;
>                if( evt.which ) {
>                        keyCode = evt.which;
>                } else if( evt.keyCode ) {
>                        keyCode = evt.keyCode;
>                }
>                if( 13 == keyCode ) {
>                        frm.Bid.click();
>                        return false;
>                }
>                return true;
>        }
>        function changeDiff(){
>                $.post("diff.php", {id: id, diff: diff});
>        }

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