I can think of 2 options:


I'm not sure that will work. The other one:


A non jQuery solution. Sometimes the only solution available.

Ariel Flesler

On 11 jul, 11:54, Ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using this tutorial for xml consumption with jquery:
> http://www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Easy_XML_Consumption_using_jQuery
> The tutorial includes this code example to find the value of the
> "post" attribute in the node "name":
> studentPost = $this.find("name").attr("post");
> But... It doesn't work if a namespace is added. For example, this
> doesn't work:
> studentPost = $this.find("name:funny").attr("post");
> Notice the ":funny" namespace above.
> The xml doc looks something like this: <name:funny post='ha ha'...
> How can I use JQuery to access the attribute value if there is a
> namespace?

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