I found what I need.
I know that the Thickbox code has changed a little, but for those who
want to know how I did it, here is the code I use :

// loop through the anchors, looking for ourself, saving information
about previous and next image
                        for (var i = 0; i < imageGroup.length; i++) {
                                var image = imageGroup[i];
                                var nbimage = imageGroup.length;
                                var urlTypeTemp = image.href.match(imageURL);

                                // look for ourself
                                if ( image.href == url )
                                        foundSelf = true;
                                        imageCount = (i + 1) + "/"+ 
                                        // when we found ourself, the current 
is the next image
                                        if ( foundSelf )
                                                next = getInfo(image, "next", 
"Next >");
                                                // stop searching
prev=getInfo(imageGroup[nbimage-1], "prev", "< Prev");}
                                                // didn't find ourself yet, so 
this may be the one before
                                                prev = getInfo(image, "prev", 
"< Prev");
                                                next = getInfo(imageGroup[0], 
"next", "Next >");


It is based on an old version of thickbox.
Thanks a lot !

On Aug 23, 12:31 pm, Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all !
> everything is in the title.
> I would like to Add Next link and Prev link To the first and last
> image of the thickbox plugin.
> Any ideas would be helpfull !
> Thanks a lot !
> Gabriel

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