Hi, I'm using the pngFix plugin to show some png images with

These images are part of a list of menu, and each one is inside on
link tag.

When the png fix is applied I can see trasparency but the linkable
area is restricted to the visible part of the image.
I've putted an example page here:


There's only an image in it with dimensions : 200pxX150px.
If you look the page with firefox and Internet Explorer 7 you will be
able to click on the entire area of 200x150px.
With Internet explorer 6 you'll be able to click only on the black
part of the image.

I know that pngfix replaces the image with a span, and I can with some
selector intercept the click on the parent of the span, but maybe
there's some css fix to make the entire span area clickable.

Any suggestion?

Thank you

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