Im not sure about the specific answer to your question but I can recommend
an alternative solution.

I use Richard D. Worths oh so excellent $.ui.dialog plugin to achieve a very
simple version of the litebox effect.  its from the jquery ui team.

it goes alittle something like this:

              $("#window").dialog($.extend(this.dialogOptions||{}, {
                    modal: true,
                    height: $(document).height(),
                    width: $(document).width(),
                    overlay: {
                        opacity: 0.2,
                        background: "black"
                //initialize jcarousel here

                //simple animation to present overlay
                $("#window").show("clip", {
                    direction: "horizontal"
                }, 1000);
where your html is something like:

<div id="window" style="display:none;">
   <!-- markup that holds carousel -->


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:29 PM, 700lbGorilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know if blockUI has conflicts displaying either
> jcarousellite or jcarousel galleries? I'm using the jcarousel lite and
> it works fine, but if I try to use blockUI to display it, the carousel
> doesn't display. All I was trying to do was display a carousel in a
> litebox type way. I wanted to do it this way so the user could scroll
> to the pic he wants instead of hitting the next buttons and going
> through each image.

Christopher Thatcher

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