I took a quick look at the main page using Firebug. Switching languages makes an ajax post to this url:


and posts these values:

language    spanish
names    current_page
page    pre_intro_info
perm_names    current_page
perm_values    pre_intro_info
skip    0
updateLanguage    true
values    pre_intro_info
vbm    0

The response that comes back from the post is the HTML for the form, which then gets displayed. Here's a link to Firebug if you're not familiar with it:


- Jack

stephen wrote:
I've gone through voteforchange.com a thousand times over the past two
days and I cannot figure out where the content is coming from--I can
find the content of index.php, but everything else is a mystery--links
never point anywhere. Is this jQuery in action, or is it something
else to blame? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated--

I think I've checked over every .js and .css and the single .php I
could find--and everything just leads into loops. I'm new at this, it


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