Hi again,

In case that anyone have problems to show the list of proposal words
bellow the input, dont forget (like me) the option "scrollHeight" of the
plugin. Not is the solution of the issue that I send before, but, can be
help you.

In my case, the list have a little scroll height value, and now the list
not interfere with other controls, above the input. I want to say this
for everyone that maybe deal with this (my) situation.

Have a nice day!


2008/10/23 David Esperalta (dec) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi there!
> Have a nice day! Well... I try the jQuery autocomplete plugin and work
> fine, but, I want to show the list of proposal terms above the input
> and not bellow the input. In the "Show" method of autocomplete plugin
> I try a lot of things, to change this line:
> top: offset.top + input.offsetHeight,
> For other like this:
> top: offset.top - options.scrollHeight,
> However, the results not is that I expected in every case. For
> example, the line above show the list in the place that I want, but,
> only if the list contain all of items, in other words, if the list
> contain only one or two items, the list appear much more above the
> input that trigger the autocomplete.
> How I can place the list of proposal words just above the input in any
> circumstances? Maybe anyone can help me in this issue, and maybe are
> possible to add to the plugin a new option: "position" (is a proposal)
> that can be use to place the autocomplete list bellow or about the
> input.
> In any case thanks very very much for the autocomplete plugin: work
> very fine and this issue maybe is a personal issue with no importance.
> Thanks in advance. And please sorry for my poor english.

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