Could anybody take a look at my problem please? I haven't made any
progress so far :(

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:17 PM, pixeline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i'm trying to kill the last bugs of before letting the
> project go _ the issue i'm facing is that i can't manage or don't
> understand how to stop and reset the animation queue.
> To reproduce the issue please go here:
> click on one of the fifth line (big and fat) in the barcode at the
> center of the screen: it opens up to display a strip of images. Its
> width will gradually expand to 12900 px
> Now, click "refresh" , see the value of set number 5. It's gradually
> increasing to 12900px, fine.
> Now, hit one of the above keywords, e.g. "experimental" . It should
> reset the barcode. But it does not properly do it because the set 5 is
> still increasing its width, no matter what i try.
> I have a barcode.reset() function that should take care of that, here
> is the code so far, that does not work, the css width is not properly
> applied (as reported by my custom debugger ).
> barcode.reset = function()
>    {
>        barcode.canOpen = false;
>        // unbind all click events
>        $('#barcode li img').hide();
>        $('li',
> barcode.el).removeClass('active').addClass('notActive').unbind().css({
>            cursor: 'default',
>            width: '1px'
>        }).each(function(i)
>        {
>            //$('img', $(this)).hide();
>            if (barcode.allSets.length > 0)
>            {
>                $(this).css({ width: barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth });
>                $(this).width(barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth);
>                $.log('barcode reset of set ' + i + ' to width ' +
> barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth);
>                //$.log('li nr' + i + '= ' +
> barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth);
>            }
>            if ($(this).is(':animated'))
>            {
>                $(this).stop();
>                $(this).css({ width: barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth });
>                $(this).width(barcode.allSets[i].smallWidth);
>            }
>        });
>    }
> What am i doing wrong?
> Thank you for your time,
> alexandre

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