I'm no expert on this, but I have a feeling you may have better luck
in Flash for this purpose.

Or maybe find a generic brightness setting that's good for all the
images and just to a batch process on them and re-upload.

Not an idea solutions, but I don't think any Javascript (that I know
of anyway) will be able to manipulate pixels in an existing image.

On Oct 23, 11:56 am, "Josh Rosenthal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> So, a project involving allowing users to view scanned photos of historic
> structures has recently run into the problem that some of the photos are a
> bit dark relative to the originals, with some details being impossible to
> see in the jpg.  When viewed on desktop, this is usually dealt with by users
> just tweaking the brightness in their quick and easy photo viewer of choice.
>  I'm trying to replicate that functionality for a web interface we're
> developing.
> Does anyone know of an image control jquery plugin that allows brightness
> control, or has anyone dealt with similar issues?  Optimally, it'd be
> something lightbox-esque, with FF3/IE7+ compatability, but I'd love to see
> any examples at all.
> Poking around, I've found a few potential leads if I have to try to build
> something, but I'm hoping someone out there has beaten me to it.
> In case anyone is curious, the leads I ran across were:
> FF Only:http://people.mozilla.com/~schrep/image12.html
> and:http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/imagefx/
> and lastly:
> processing.js seems to have similar capabilities, but I've never done
> anything with it and thus have no idea how easy/nightmarish it'd be to add a
> brightness slider or +/-10% button to an image.  Also, compatibility is
> problematic.
> Thanks a lot,
> josh

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