I have been working with the autocomplete library and have the
autocompletion working reasonably well. However, my problem comes when
I want to take the form populated with the results of the user's
selections and then post it to my server side script for final
results. This does not work -- I found other examples that seem to
work, but I don't seem to be able to get my scripts to work the same

I am using this within a .net control:

<script type="text/javascript">

function findValueCallback(event, data, formatted) {
    $("<li>").html( !data ? "No match!" : "Selected: " +
function formatItem(row) {return row[0] + " (<strong>id: " + row[1] +
function formatResult(row) {return row[0].replace(/(<.+?>)/gi, '');}
function formatPlantName(row) {
            return "<div style=\"float:right;width:190px;\">" + row[0]
+ "<br /><em>" + row[1] + "</em></div style=\"float:left;width:50px;
\"><div><img src=\"/images/plants/th/" + row[2] + "\" /></div>";

$().ready(function() {
    $("#plantsuggest_txt").autocomplete("/PlantSuggestor.ashx", {
        delay: 200,
        width: 260,
        minChars: 0,
        selectFirst: true,
        formatItem: formatPlantName
    .result(function(event, data, formatted) {
        if (data) $("#plantname").attr('value',data[0]);

function showPlants() {$

/** Set auto-complete 'Off' on Search Input field **/
jQuery(function() {
    //Setting the autocomplete attr
    $("#plantsuggest_txt").attr("autocomplete", "off");

<form id="PlantSuggestForm" method="get" >
    <div class="plantsuggestor">
        <h4>Plant Compatibility</h4>
            <label for="plantsuggest_txt">Select or type plant name</
            <br /><input id="plantsuggest_txt" class="ac_input"
type="text" /><a href="#" onclick="showPlants();return false;">show
all</a><input type="hidden" id="plantname" value="" />
            <br /><input id="plantsubmit" class="searchBtnOK"
type="submit" value=" Find Products "/>
            <input type="image" src="/images/b/find-products.png"
name="image"  alt=" Find products" />
            <asp:Literal ID="YouTyped" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

If I try using the image button, I see in my url that it passes the .x
and .y values, but other form values are not submitted. I have checked
using Firebug and the trace.axd for form and querystring variables,
but they do not get passed to the server.

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