I am attaching an event to a link. The link lets the user toggle the
display of a child div inside of a parent div. However, when the link
is clicked, the event is run twice (div opens and then closes

I have tried using .click() and .bind() and it makes no difference
which one I use. I have also tried using an anonymous function versus
a callback function and there is no difference. I tried using return
false and e.stopPropagation() and there is no difference. I have
triple-checked that I am not binding the event more than once in my
code. The only way I can get it to not fire twice is to put the call
in the link's onclick attribute.

I have seen several similar posts on this in the group, but I have not
seen a reason why this happens or a fool-proof way to stop it from
happening. The only thing I can think of is that one of the other JS
libraries I am using on the page, like Matt Kruse's DynamicOptionList,
etc... are interfering with the event propagation, but I don't know
for sure if that is the cause.

I am moving over from Prototype/Scriptaculous and had this all working
without a problem using those libraries.

I have posted the code at: http://jsbin.com/atiza


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