On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 2:36 AM, Satyakaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>        function load() {
>                //jQuery(function($) {
>                        $("#div1").load("starterkit.html");
>                //});
>        }

This one calls the .load() immediately.

> OR
> function load() {
>        jQuery(function($) {
>                $("#div1").load("starterkit.html");
>        });
> }

This one waits to call .load() until the DOM is loaded. This is shorthand
syntax for

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

which says "call this function I provide as soon the document/DOM is ready".
This guarantees that your element #div1 is available for selecting and
manipulation. So the difference depends on where your function load() is
being called. If it's called after the page is loaded (say, by a button
click) there will be no difference. If it's called during the page load
(say, in the head) you'll want the latter. For more info see


- Richard

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