This thread contains the answer to my question:

On Nov 7, 4:40 pm, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a case where I need to have a few global arrays and/or objects
> which will be used by numerous scripts. One example would be as a
> local lookup source for an autocompleter, while the same data might be
> used to populate a selection menu. The data isn't likely to change
> during a user's session, but might.
> I can get this data remotely every time I need it, but I'm hitting
> some performance problems in doing so.
> What I'd like to do is load these arrays/objects on page load, but
> make them globally accessible to other scripts for fast lookup. I also
> would like to do this in a generic fashion that would allow me to
> reload those arrays or objects if needed.
> I'm stumped on how to do this though?
> .getJSON? One of the other jQuery Ajax functions?
> Where I'm lost is that the array or object would be populated in a
> callback. Do to scoping, I don't see how to make it global?

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