I have been experimenting with the autocomplete, and so far am
impressed with the performance. There is one thing, however, that I
would like to do that I cannot figure out myself.

My list items are supplied by a sql script that finds entries using
both freetext and like matching. This means that, for instance in my
situation, searching a list of plants will yield the following results
as the person types:

l --> a list of plants beginning with l
li --> a list of plants beginning with li
lil --> a list of plants that contain lil (query changes for terms
longer than 2 characters)
lily --> a list of plants that contain or match lily (including
'lilies' from the freetext search)

Now if I backspace and pickup again:

lil --> a list of plants that contain lil (query changes for terms
longer than 2 characters)
lili --> a list of plants that contain lil, which is actually "NO

but if I continue to 'lilies' I will get results again.
In the case that I get no results, I don't want to show the NO MATCHES
result, because that does not help my end-user. I would rather keep my
last list available.

In other words, how do I filter the results client-side so that they
ALWAYS have some option to choose from?

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