I've been playing with writing XUL desktop apps. Currently building my
own custom media center PC and a XUL app will be the core of it.

So I thought it would be really cool if I could use JQuery to
manipulate my hybrid XUL / SVG / HTML doc just as I do on the websites
I maintain.

I include jquery-1.2.6.js, and many functions work fine immediately.
However, a big chunk of JQuery doesn't work. Namely, code that inserts
elements into the DOM fails.

So I go through and change all the createElement calls in
jquery-1.2.6.js to use createElementNS with the namespace "http://

Bingo! It now works perfectly! I have the full JQuery goodness over
SVG elements, XUL elements, HTML elements. Coding just got a lot

But I would love it if I could somehow tell JQuery "use
createElementNS and the following namespace when creating elements".
With this, I would not have to hack the JQuery core to get my app



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