Thanks Karl, but that is a poor imitation of what is needed (for my customer's needs....). Or perhaps I'm not understanding how to work with that code quite right?

I have a functional sample of what I'm after here - click the titlebars to collapse, and the "maximize" button to expand even more. The panels can be dragged around, and Panel 3 is "mandatory" - it cannot be collapsed.

There are still issues here though - dragging panel 2 into the first column, and then you cant add to the second column. And placeholders are not showing while dragging.

I stumbled across the portlets while working on this and was hoping there might be something a little more complete and modern. Guess I'll keep plugging away at this....


Karl Swedberg wrote:
Hey Shawn,

There is a rudimentary one in the jQuery UI demos:


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 15, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Shawn Grover wrote:

I found the jQuery Portlets at This appears to be outdated (makes use of the interface library for the sortables rather than ui.jquery...). Does anyone know if there is a more current version of this? And one that doesn't necessarily depend on tables would be nice too...

If there isn't one, I guess I'll have to update it... A customer wants this sort of functionality....

Thanks for any tips...


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