On Nov 21, 2008, at 7:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At present, a tab keyPress results in discarding the edits. I have not
been able to get the callback to fire to submit the edit then change
focus to the target element if I tab out of the element. I would like
the tab key to result in the submit event which would trigger the
callback function. Is there anything I could do short of modifying the

* @param String options[onblur] 'cancel', 'submit', 'ignore' or function ??

cancel means discard edits when input goes out of focus.
ignore means nothing happens.
submit means the same as clicking submit.

or you can write whatever function() { /* something *} if you have some unorthodox need :)

Maybe onblur = submit is what you are after?

Mika Tuupola

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