I am having issues with the jquery.quicksearch plugin.  I first
created some php code to pull a csv file into a table.  Then I used
the plugin to search the table that was loaded through the php code.

The table wasn't very large so it worked like a charm.  However, I
tried doing the same thing with a much larger csv file (about 4000
rows and 3 columns).  The plugin was very slow to respond.

I also just ran some tests and it is slow in IE7 but it will
work...now I did the same thing in firefox and it crashes firefox.  It
also works in IE6 slow but it works.

I did some google searches and found this:


However this code is for list items<li>  I am not much of a programmer
so I don't know how to modify to search the large table that is loaded
through the csv file.

Any suggestions!?


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