I think you'll need to post the exact code you're having problems with.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Betty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I'm new. I've written two pieces of code with jQuery. Each of them
> works well individually. However, if I put them one after the other,
> the first one still works, but the latter one will not work. If I
> change their order, it's always the first that can work and the latter
> one that can't work. Both pieces are quite simple, and I don't think
> there is anything conflicting between them. To be more clear, the code
> is something like this:
> $("#button1").hover(function () {
>  //do something
> });
> $("#button2").hover(function () {
>  //do something else
> });
> No matter in which order I put the two, the second one just doesn't
> work. I just don't understand. Is there a special rule to "clear the
> cache" of function() or something? Any help will be much appreciated!

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