It's a scope problem. When javascript parses that $("#goto").click(...)
line, #goto does not yet exist. You need to assign the click handler to
#goto within the same function that creates the link.

Try this:

function pageReady()
        $("div#content").append('<a href="#" id="goto">Generated
        $("#goto").click(function() { alert("hello from genrated click!");

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 4:37 AM, harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I simply create a button to generate a hyperlick(or button) in html,
> can the generated link or button to call controller in mvc? here just
> simple code to illustrate my question:
>  <script type="text/javascript">
>        $(pageReady);
>        function pageReady() {
>            var tag = "<a href='#' id='goto'>Generated Clilk</a>";
>            $("#go").click(function() { $("div#content").append
> (tag); });
>            $("a#goto").click(function() { alert("hello from genrated
> click!"); });
>        };
>    </script>
> </head>
> <body>
>    <div>
>        <button id="go">
>            Click ME</button>
>    </div>
>    <div id="content" />
> </body>
> The problem is the  $("a#goto") never get fired. Is it possible to do
> so?
> Thanks.
> Harry

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